Sunday, August 14, 2011

Indiana trip

So for the first time we went to visit Justin's parents in Indiana!  Two of his sisters and their families were there too so it was a big party!  We had a great time and I have a new love for the east! It was beautiful with massive green trees and rolling hills.  I loved it!  We did lots while we were there! Justin and I spent an afternoon in Shipshewana, an Amish town, and looked through their fun shops and markets.  They have amazing furniture! We also got to go to a Josh Groban concert!!  It was in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Justin's brother had tickets but ended up not being able to go so we were the lucky ones to get to go! :)  He was so fun, and entertaining and Justin came away with a new appreciation for Josh Groban.  We went to Kirtland the day before we left as well.  I've never been so it was a new and awesome experience!  Now it's back to life in Idaho Falls!! :)

Some of the nieces and nephews outside the Kirtland Temple

Outside the Kirtland Temple

Olivia, Kelsey, and TJ tried forever to get up on that rock

So back in June Kade, Justin and I packed the Honda as full as possible and started a verrrrrrry looooonng road trip.  We drove 12 hours from Idaho Falls to Aurora and stayed the night, then we got up the next morning and drove another 16 hours to Table Rock Lake in Missouri! I thought the drive would never end.  But we made it, and we stayed for a week!  It was a blast! There were tons of us there and we just played and played and played on the water! I mostly just got pictures of people on the water and not too much else, so here are a few.  Oh and I finally was able to get up on the surf board and throw in the rope!! Soooo fun!


It is true! I finally graduated from BYU-Idaho in April!  It feels awesome, yet so strange to be done with school.  These are a few photos from graduation day with my family and amazing friends! Thanks so much for coming all this way to celebrate such a special day with me!  As for a post-school update, I am working as a photographer and co-owner of Vintage Road Photographers in Idaho Falls.  Hattie and Erika and I decided to take this plunge and work together on starting up this new company.  It's lots of work but I'm able to do what I love! We have been very busy so far and just recently book our 40th wedding!  Yay!  So, although we didn't think we'd stay too long after we were both done with school, Justin and I feel very blessed to have the work we have here and will probably stay put for a little longer than planned, but who knows where life will take us next! :)